Have you ever planned an entire school year only to change it at the last minute? Literally the last minute? That is what I did!
You know that we have been mostly a Charlotte Mason style family. I love this style of homeschooling and it has been a blessing to our family. However, I have been intrigued by the Classical side of it for a number of years. Charlotte Mason was a Classical teacher so it is not a big surprise. What does surprise me is how much I have fallen in love with Classical Education.
We have friends that have been part of a, (I don't want to call it a co-op because that's not quite right) group of Classical Educators that meet every week. I have talked to them a bit here and there about it over the years, and was impressed with the style, yet afraid to change things up. Our family went to their house for dinner two days before school was to start. I started asking questions and was shown a beautiful presentation about the program. I was ready to sign up! I was invited to attend the first meeting yesterday.
All I can say is"Wow!" It was better than I anticipated. There were so many elements of Charlotte Mason weaved in, yet the concerns I have had with CM, such as not enough writing comprehension, were implemented. The tutors are skilled in what they are teaching and made the day fun and go by fast.
There is enough homework to keep Bre busy every morning yet still have time for other lessons and activities. I know I am not illustrating this the way I want to. I was up late last night pouring over the guides, so please forgive me if I am not making any sense. I will try to articulate it better next week.I will also try to upload some of Breanna's work at that time. I just wanted to share quickly what we have been up to. =)