Thursday, December 27, 2007

So Many Changes...

So much has changed since my last posts...We are building a new home!! AND we are becomming Foster Parents. I am so excited! Most of you know that fostering has been on my heart for awhile now. I have been praying for Matt to feel the same. I was asking the Lord "Why put this on my heart if it is not what is on my husband's?"
I was "told" to just be patient. Well after two years, in the process of looking at our house plans (we have an added 5th bedroom) I casually said to my husband that a 5th bedroom would be perfect for our foster children. He just looked at me for a minute and he said that he could see my heart in my face. The feeling to Foster was so strong in him at that moment that he knew it had to be of the Lord. So....YIPEE!

We have been taking classes now for a few weeks and I have a meeting for our first home visit next friday. It's funny because I know that we are great parents and that we have allot to offer children in need, BUT knowing that you are being evaluated is kind of nerve racking. I know one thing for certain, I am going to be a cleaning machine this week :)

We had a family meeting with the kids and they are all on board with this and know that it is a journey with trials and Joy. Please keep us and our future foster children in your prayers.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I don't know why, but I guess I have a bit of voyerism (sp) in me...I love looking at other people houses. I really don't know why that is. I even involve my husbandin my wacky pasttime...He will get home from working on someones PC and I grill him on what their home looks like. He has gotten in the habit now to just tell before I ask. He said he never used to pay attention, now he does because he knows I want to know. He thinks I am wierd, I think I am wierd but there ya go!

It's not like it's a who has the nicer house thing, I am just curious. anyway I am posting a few pics of my house incase I am not the only house voyer around.Hehe.

I tried to get good ones on the inside, but it was Bre's birthday and I was doing a ton of different things at once :) I didn't get up to the Homeschool, but you can find pics of that on my site:


Steps to second floor landing.

Back Yard...Yeah I know it's not country living, but it's alright.

Family room where we play games, watch movies and Play Piano.(Bre)

View into Diningroom from LR. Remember it was dd Birthday. :)


Monday, May 28, 2007

Maple Farm Field Trip Photos

Ty and Daddy at the Maple Farm

Matt and I

I want to Say...

Thank You to my AWESOME husband who is VERY supportive of our Homeschooling and does everything in his power (by the GRACE of GOD) to continue to povide for us, so I am able to be home with our children and teach them up in the way of the Lord. He is our earthly rock and we are so BLESSED to have him, and I am a better person because of him. Thank You Matt! And Thank You God for him!

Relish life with the spouse you love
Each and every day of your precarious life.

(Ecclesiastes 9:9

Just feel like saying...

If what you are saying does not edify, lift up, or unify; it is gossip. It doesn’t matter if you are speaking factual truth per se. If what you are going to say does not edify, lift up, or unify, it is gossip.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Links not working!

I just realized that all the great links I have osted are not working??? I do not know why or how to fix this. I will come back later to try to fix the problem. ERRRR!

Owl Pellet Dissection

I have truly neglected my blog...sorry, we have been very busy with the nice weather and everything. I do want to share something VERY cool with you though. In our CO-op the kids dissected an owl pellet. Most would be disgusted, however if you are a homeschool family you can relate to how COOL this was. If you want to see a dissection of an owl pellet via the net check out this site:

Still not as cool as the real thing, but you get the idea!

The kids have the BEST science teacher EVER!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Favorite Homeschool Sites!

AWESOME homeschool Printables

A TON of printables and Unit Studies-Love this site!

Great Resources

Great Site for timelines

More great management printables to help you stay organized

I use this and wouldn't know what to do without it. The free version is just as good as the paid version.

This is AWESOME! I use this to supplement our curriculum and it is the BEST! My kids have excelled in all the core subjects. They ASK to use this program EVERY day, even weekends!

That's all for now. I have many more to share with you, but these are some of my favorites.

Cassie and I

Breanna's 8th Birthday

Breanna's 8th Birthday
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Monday, April 23, 2007

A MUST Website

I love this site

BEFORE you take your child to the movies/Rent/Buy movies, you must go to the above site. It is awesome. Christian parents preview and review all movies and gives a rating in detail. I know for our family this is important. We are noticing more and more that we cannot trust the media/networks even if it is SUPPOSED to be geared for kids) We are taking a stand in what goes into our childrens minds, and this site helps! So check it out!

Spring is in the air!

I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. I have been doing a little make-over in the Homeschool (I will post pics, when I am finished) The kids have all(me too) been bitten by the spring bug and are antsy and anxious. We have been flying thru our lessons and it looks like we will be done by the end of May. We will continue doing daily reviews and such.

The kids completed the CAT test. WOO-HOO! They all tested out WAY above average. This makes me happy knowing that I am doing something right. Although I do NOT believe test scores prove how smart a person is. Tests cover a very small amount of material covered/learned. I wish the PS would give more dynamic/creative test to evaluate where students are. I have only three children, each with their own unique style of learning. I could not imagine teaching them all the same way, day after day, year after year. We use cookie cutters for COOKIES not Children. Have you watched Freedom Writers? EXCELLENT movie. I am going to buy the book:

The movie is very inspiring, and I hope more educators in the PS system pay attention to this true story. Isn't interesting that Mrs.G. didn't have a huge degree and many years of experience, yet she taught with her HEART and each of her 150 students (who were labeled troubled and under educated) graduated highschool and went on to college.

Anyway, we are going to enjoy the beautiful wether today. HIGH of 80. Woo-HOO! Once we are finished with our unit studies, I am sure we can do a nature study...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

This Weeks Agenda

Monday: I know PS kids have the day off and C, T and B wants the day off also. I decided we would do half day. Focusing on Martin Luther King and doing a few projects. C has to turn in her work from last week.
Tuesday: Normal School Day, Music Lessons, Cassie has Bball Practice
Wednesday:Normal School Day
Thursday: First day of Ice Skating with other Homeschoolers, actually first time ice skating:EVER! We will probably have lunch somewhere downtown and maybe go to the Art museum
Friday: Normal School Day. Matt is setting up a blog on our server for the kids. It will great to see thier thoughts on homeschool. I hear all the good stuff, like I love Homeschool and it's great and freeing and now I actually like to learn. That is great to hear, but there is something about blogging that lets you just say what you feel. And let's be honest here we do not have perfect days everyday.

Oh, there is a purity ball comming up and Cassie is very excited becuase when she was in PS she attended EVERY school dance/function. There is also a Father/Daughter Formal Dance comming up. And a fun Mother and Son great race type thing. hmmm...Do I have to run? Oh well, Ty I promise to do my best. :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Homeschool Goals for 2007

  1. To remember to ALWAYS turn to GOD when I need confirmation that I am doing the right thing.
  2. To NOT over schedule
  3. To spend more time in areas that interest the kids most
  4. To not be overly ridgid with my schedule
  5. To make more time for me
  6. To not feel guilty for taking more time for me
  7. To organize the homeschool and buy MORE bookshelves
  8. To play even MORE educational games

I guess that's it. I am pretty happy with the way things are. The kids are happy and I am begining to relax a bit on our busy schedule. The kids are picking up books during thier own free time and asking more educational questions, so I guess it's ok to back off a bit. I tend to turn EVERY life experience into an educational experience. Get this, they are even watching educational shows INSTEAD of thier usual favorites. And I didn't even request it. I feel confident that I am doing what GOD has called me to do. Still, just like every other homeschool mom, I have moments of panic. BUT, that passes quickly, escpecially when I see the kids playing nicely together and helping each other out.

Grandma and Kids

Cassie ans Kelly sharing her cake at AppleBees

On the Court

Cassie and her basketball team having a slumber party

Cassie being funny at her birthday dinner

My "baby" who just turned 15 and Me!