Monday, May 24, 2010

Ty gets promoted to Staff Sergeant!

It was very cool that Matt AKA: DAD(Lt.Mallory) was able to be the one to promote him. I am so proud of my favorite men. Sometimes I may grumble about all the time that they dedicate to the Civil Air Patrol, but I have witnessed with my own eyes all the benefits that are gleened from it. I guess I will have to keep my grumblings to myself eh? 


Kathy said...

Congratulations. What a wonderful thing for his own Dad to be able to promote him with a Fatherly heart to boot.

I'm always so excited to read your posts. Keep 'em coming! : )

Unknown said...

I'll try Kathy. I still have a bit of the facebook bug. lol.It is so much easier just to post things on there.But, I do love blogging and my hope is that it will be a blessing to my kids someday. Like a journal. Now only if I knew how to get rid of that dern FB bug...