Friday, January 28, 2011

A few of my favorite iPad apps

My mom blessed me with a iPad for Christmas, so I thought I would share my favorite apps with you all. I am normally a paper and pen girl and anti-electronic. BUT, I LOVE my iPad. It has taken my organize -ation addictions to a whole new and wonderful level. I have, dare I say it? eliminated my homemaking binder as well as my homeschool binder. You all know what a binder junkie I am! No, I did not throw them out. I just shelved them. ;) I have pages of very useful (and some not) foldersI will start with my top five favorites:
  • 2Do (6.99)-  This is my most used app. it contains color coded folders for each of my daily tasks. In my homeschool folder I add things such as lesson plan ideas, books to read, to-do's such as grade papers and fill out field trip registrations. I can put a dead line date and be alerted when it is due. This is amazing for this paper and pen girl, I have to tell ya. It is out of my head and I don't have to worry about it. I have always been a super fan of lists and this takes it to a whole new level. In my household folder I have my daily list of chores, menu planning, emails and  phone calls to make. The best part for me is to see items checked and crossed off. Oh, the feeling of accomplishment. =) In my finance folder I have bills with due dates inputted for reminders. I have a Civil Air Patrol folder to remind myself of what needs to be done weekly. I have an Awana folder that is currently empty, but it's there if I need it. ;) I have a fieldtrip folder for ideas and upcoming fieldtrips. I also have a baby shower folder for ideas and things to buy for Cassie's upcoming baby shower and last but not least, I have a shopping list folder. I do have other shopping list apps, but I just love having everything I need in one place. Next to my folders is a handy calendar. Yes, this is definitely one of if not my favorite app. Worth the price!

  • MyNetDiary: (9.99) This app has helped me shed 8 pounds so far. I log everything I eat and it tells me how many calories I have left to consume. I also log my daily exercises, and it motivates me to keep on logging. The handy weight loss tracker/ progress chart with a visual graph is nice too.. I use this daily. Love it.

  • HomeRoutine: (2.99) If you love, this app is for you. I  have not used it as much because I am still in love with my 2Do app. I can see that it is a very useful app and I will definitely use. Like I said if you love Flylady, you will love this app. It even has zones!!

  • iHomework: (1.99) This app is intended for college students but has adapted  very well for homeschooling. I love it. I inputted all of our courses complete with our schedule and assignments. It is also a great reading and grades tracker. I  add our weekly lessons on Saturdays and I am not fumbling with my huge binder. LOVE IT!      

  • FighterVerse (1.99): This app is has helped Bre memorize her Awana verses immensely! You add the verse and then click study and it takes out words and you have to fill them in. It starts out easy and gets harder until you master the verse. Very useful for Bible memorization.  

  • Netflix: Netflix is great! If you already have an account just log in and watch movies anywhere right on your iPad. Love it!
I have so many more that I want to talk about. I have a folder for each school subject with handy educational apps in each one. Of course I also have a games folder and a medical folder. I have a folder for everything! lol. I will talk more about them later. I do not want to overwhelm you.

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