Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here are some of my favorite pictures that where taken by She did a wonderful job. She truly captured my nieces personalities. We are going to have our family pictures (including Matt and Myself) this fall. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So I guess we have been doing SOMETHING right...

Cassie took her college entrance exam yesterday morning...Out of a possible score of 120 she scored 120!! Woo0HOO! Also, she will be taking college level English because of how well she scored!! We are very proud of her and it feels good knowing that our choice to homeschool in a relaxed atmosphere really was the absolute right choice. Often over the years, I had worried that I wasn't teaching her what she needed to know for preparation for college. I breath a sigh of relief knowing that I can continue with Bre and Ty with a little less worry. I know many homeschool families that have always homeschooled without a doubt or worry that they are doing the right thing. I've witnessed so many positive changes in our Children that it was always enough for me. Still, I struggled with the academics part, meaning, am I teaching enough of what they need to continue their education on their own? This is why I am so happy right now. I know I have three very different learners with three very different needs. I love the fact that I can tailor their education accordingly to their needs. Whew, can you tell I am very excited?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Did You Know?

Did you know that we have our own homeschooling memorial???- ---Mount Rushmore, the world's largest stone monument, is a tribute tofour Presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, AbrahamLincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt - who stood for the most honorableprinciples and highest ideals of America.Besides being great Presidents, what does each of these men have in common? As children, none of them had any regular, formal schooling.They were all self-educated and learned at home! ~Unknown~
Here's another one:"Home schooling is a very old way of doing things.If you look at anyof the bills in your wallet or the coins in your pocket, they all havea picture of a homeschooler on them." ~William Lloyd~

A Mother's Beatitudes

Bleesed is the mother who understands her child,for she shall inherit a kingdom of memories.
Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort,for she shall possess a child's devotion.
Blessed is the mother who guides by the path of righteousness,for she shall be proud of her children.
Blessed is the mother who is never shocked,for she shall receive and know confidence and security.
Blessed is the mother who teaches respect,for she shall be respected.
Blessed is the mother who emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad,for her children shall follow her example.
Blessed is the mother who answers questions honestly,for she shall always be trusted.
Blessed is the mother who treats her childrenas she would like to be treated,for her home shall always be filled with happiness.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Kind of Homeschoolers Are We?

We use the Eclectic Method. What does that mean? According to the dictionary: "selecting and using what seems best from various sources, systems or schools of thought."
An Eclectic Homeschooler is one who looks at the different approaches and methods of homeschooling, at the "opinions and principles of each," and takes from each approach and method for his family, forming his own unique philosophy.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up for me. We use a variety of materials and curriculum to fit our needs. I am definitley more relaxed than when we first started homeschooling. You know what, so aren't the kids. They love to learn new things and I often find them researching things on their own. My ultimate goal is for them to be SELF learners. A self learner will do whatever it takes to learn about a topic they are interested in, whithout someone telling/making them do it. It is pretty amazing to see kids who used to struggle with school and not have any interest at all to getting very excited about learning new things and actually doing the work without being forced. Anyway there are a variety of ways to homeschool, and I believe there is no right way or wrong way as long as all involved are happy and progressing.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Guys...

Matt and Ty in Uniform before a Civil Air Patrol meeting.

Tylor's Water Baptism

I finally downloaded the pictures off my camera...from JANUARY. Anyway, here they are. Yes, I know they did not come out to well. Hey, I was crying and overwhelmed with joy! It was such an amazing Day. At our church children are baptised when they feel ready after they turn 13. Ty couldn't wait! We celebrated afterwards at Kirbys and the movies!

Homeschool Funnies

Click on the picture to open full size. It's worth it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What we've been up to...

Well let's see, last week I started physical therapy, a bit painful but I know it's for the best. Matt and Ty went Bow camping a couple weeks ago and got their hunting licences. Ty flew a plane Sunday with The Civil Air Patrol!! They let him take the controls for over two hours. I will post a picture once, I get it off my camera. The kids started their first of Art and Nature class. That was fun! Oh, and we hung out with a very cool homeschool family of 12!! They live on 320 acres and are turning it into an amazing campground with tons to do for the whole family! You can visit their website at They are a very nice down to earth family that share the same values as we do. We plan on spending allot of time camping and hiking this year...even in the winter. They also have a cabin for just that. My mom had her surgery and is now home recovering. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words!
I also have been getting organized for back to school season! I rearranged our school room...once again. I just pick one room a day to organize. Being that the rooms are already clean, it makes the job easier. I am just trying to weed out books, toys and such that we do not need or want.
I am also trying to manage my time better. How much stress could be avoided each day by taking time to seek the Lord first and ask Him for wisdom and help in establishing priorities? Daily we see so many needs and have so many demands--it can seem overwhelming at times. We need to use good judgement in how much we take on in this busy season of our lives. God has called us to be wives and mothers first of all, and this takes time. Too many outside activities can rob us of the time we need for our family. We must discern what is God's will and say no to everything that is not, in spite of what others may think, staying focused on what we KNOW God has called us to do.
It's also important to have a proper view of interruptions--some can be avoided and others can't. I use voice mail or an answering machine for phone calls most of the time so I don't get caught on the phone. On the other hand, some interruptions are God ordained so we must be sensitive to His leading! We certainly don't want to hinder the Holy Spirit's work in our lives and His ability to use us as yielded vessels. After all, the very fact that Jesus is Lord of our lives means He is Lord of our time!
But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God. My times are in Your hand..." --Psalm 31:14-15

Friday, August 8, 2008

I Will Survive...

A fellow homeschool mom forwarded this to me and I HAD share it! Remember, if you are new at homeschooling and a bit overwhelmed- WE ALL STARTED OUT THAT WAY!

> First I was afraid
> I was petrified.
> Kept thinking I could never teach
> 'Cause I'm not certified.
> But we spent so many nights
> Reteaching homework that was wrong.
> I grew strong,
> so now I teach my kids at home!
> We study math
> and outer space.
> I just kept on despite the fear
> with a big smile across my face.
> I bought a set of Base Ten blocks.
> I bought books with answer keys.
> My parents think we're nuts,
> but they don't even bother me
> Come on, let's go walk out the door.
> We're on the road now,
> 'cause we're not home much anymore
> My friends would laugh and say we'd be unsocialized.
> I heard one mumble
> that I'd give up by July.
> Oh no, not I!
> I will survive!
> As long as I know how to read
> I know we'll be alright.
> I've got all my life to learn.
> I've got energy to burn.
> and I'll survive.
> I will survive.
> It took all the strength I had
> not to fall apart.
> Decided to attend
> a play date at the local park,
> and I met oh so many moms
> who offered eagerly to help.
> They used to cry.
> Now they hold their heads up high,
> and so do we!
> My kids are cool!
> They're not those chained up little people stuck inside at school.
> So if you feel like dropping by
> and just expect us to be free
> you'd better call ahead first> 'cause we're probably busy
Will Survive (the first year of homeschooling) Originally written and produced by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris Originally performed by Gloria Gaynor Mercilessly altered with apologies by Natalie Criss