Monday, January 28, 2008

15 Reasons to Homeschool Dring The Teen Years

15 Reasons To Home School During The Teen Years by Elizabeth Smith

1. You get to see the completion of your efforts. Something is lost when you turn over your discipling to others.
2. You can customize your children's education to provide motivation for their gifts and abilities. No one else will be able to provide the consistent and loving support that you can in weak areas.
3. You can direct them to early college entrance. Even public high schools realize many students are ready for college level courses and have cooperative programs with junior colleges.
4. You can continue the family building process. The teen years continue to be impressionable and formative. This is an invaluable time to cement family relationships.
5. You can be sure that your teens are learning, if they are at home. Studies have revealed that public high school students average 2 hours and 13 minutes of academic work a day.
6. You can continue to have influence over their peer relationships. Teen rebellion is not in God's plan for the family, but it is the humanist agenda for the public schools.
7. You can protect them from pressure to conform to what the other kids are doing. This pressure is so strong in the public high school. You won't need to spend time de-programming.
8. If you send your teens to high school, there will be a diversion away from the academic focus, as well as spiritual priorities. Be aware of the many distractions that won't parallel the home life you have maintained.
9. Your young people will be thrown into things like boy/girl preoccupation, focus on clothes, and pressure to conform in appearance and music.
10. Vast amounts of time separated from the family will affect their relationship with you. We have all put great amounts of our heart and time into our home-shcooling years, and we want those efforts preserved.
11. Home school is the best preparation for college studies. The home education "style" is closer to college-type instruction.
12. There is greater flexibility for work/study opportunities.
13. The institutional method of public education is designed around "crowd control" not learning. If and when they learn, it will be a by-product of other priorities to maintain class room order.
14. Home educators have the best available curriculum and greater selection. Public schools offer revisionist history and science that promotes their humanist perspective. The godly commitment of many great Americans has been deleted from public text books.
15. Age/grade isolation or segregation inhibits socialization. Public school children are behind their home school counterparts in maturity, socialization and vocabulary development, as demonstrated by available research.
--------------------- copyright (C)Elizabeth Smith, Home School Legal Defense Association

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