Friday, May 22, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We have enjoyed and loved a vegetable garden for the past few years. Matt had a huge garden box built at our old house that housed all of our much loved vegetables. We do not have one here, and Matt doesn't have the time to build one this season. I was afraid that I wouldn't have a garden this year. No fear, Matt and Bre planted carrots, squash, peas, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and green beans a few weeks back into huge garden pots. We do have a hanging tomato upside down basket as seen here:
These are lined up on our back deck and Breanna faithfully waters them every morning. No matter how long you have been gardening it is always a thrill to see your garden sprout and grow. I cannot wait to make a yummy salad fresh from our "garden".

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I was wondering if it's too late to do some container gardening indoors, here in Phoenix. Obviously too late to plant outdoor crops, but we'll shoot possibly for a fall garden. Enjoy the garden journey-it's lots of fun!!!