Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ABC's of Loving Our Children

The A B C's of Loving Our Children
Appreciate who they are
Bathe them in Scripture daily
Commit them to the LORD daily
Discipline them diligently
Encourage them often
Forgive them and then forget
Get to know them
Hug hug hug them
Ignore their imperfections
Joy in being their mother
Kiss kiss kiss them
Listen with your heart as well as your ears
Make many meaningful memories with them
Never tease, put down or use sarcasm
Openly praise them
Produce plenty of photos
Quality time as well as quantity of time
Read to them God's Word and good books
Sing with them and to them
Talk to God about them and to them about God
Unconditionally love them
Value them for they are God's rewards
Wear a smile
*Ü* eXamine yourself and be an example
Yes!! Don't be so quick to say no
Zeal and passion ~ have it for our children ~ by Christina Kubik ©February 2005 wife to her beloved, Bill, and homeschooling mother to four precious gifts.

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