Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Vacation!

Woo Hoo! Christmas Vacation Begins! We are going to ENJOY the Christmas Holiday, worshiping God, baking, signing and just being JOYFUL! I managed to avoid the mall this year, therefore avoiding all the grumpy, miserable people not "getting" the TRUE meaning of Christmas. This wonderful homeschool mom I know told me about a family that has 8 children and what they do for Christmas: They actually celebrate Christmas Day praising God and celebrating Jesus's birthday. Then AFTER Christmas(also, when everything goes on sale) They exchange Gifts. I think that is AWESOME~
I brought it up to the family, and they were silent for a moment, then said-let's talk about it agin next year. Gotta love 'em. I even find myself getting alittle caught up in the whole present thing. We used to give our kids 10-15 presents each. That was pre-saved. Now they get THREE presents each and guess what-they are HAPPIER! I'm dead serious. I am so excited to spend Christms with Family, and worship God and just ENJOY each other. I hope you al have a wonderful Christmas-and keep that good christian feeling. Love you all!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ABC's of Loving Our Children

The A B C's of Loving Our Children
Appreciate who they are
Bathe them in Scripture daily
Commit them to the LORD daily
Discipline them diligently
Encourage them often
Forgive them and then forget
Get to know them
Hug hug hug them
Ignore their imperfections
Joy in being their mother
Kiss kiss kiss them
Listen with your heart as well as your ears
Make many meaningful memories with them
Never tease, put down or use sarcasm
Openly praise them
Produce plenty of photos
Quality time as well as quantity of time
Read to them God's Word and good books
Sing with them and to them
Talk to God about them and to them about God
Unconditionally love them
Value them for they are God's rewards
Wear a smile
*Ü* eXamine yourself and be an example
Yes!! Don't be so quick to say no
Zeal and passion ~ have it for our children ~ by Christina Kubik ©February 2005 wife to her beloved, Bill, and homeschooling mother to four precious gifts.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Character Building

We spent the better part of the morning working on Character Building. We discussed 12 ways to be more positive and 8 Major Dilemas.
Then we did some role playing with both negative and positive behaviors based on real life situations. The kids took turns either being the bad guy or the good guy. They had allot of fun (me too) and didn't want to move on to math. Also part of the character building I had them write in thier bible journals how sometimes doing the right thing as a christian isn't always easy and had them tell a story about a time that they had to make a difficult choice, such as stand up to peers even if it made them feel like an outcast. We talked about the journey of christianity sometimes being hard but worth the glory. We had a great time and I didn't stick to my schedule as far as what time each lesson started and ended. I let the kids set the pace today. We spent more time in Bible, reading and Social Studies. I realized that we probably covered more than a weeks worth of material in the few hours that we Immersed ourselves in what interested them. I know many homeschool families that do this on a daily basis, called child-lead learning. Although I think they enjoyed today, I will continue to stick to our routine and schedule and allow a few days like today. I think this way they feel that they have some control over thier education yet I know that they are learning what they should be in a timely manner. I think everyone benefits from a routine with some flexability.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Todaqy is a Baking /Cooking Day

Hope you all had a wonderfuly blessed and plentiful Thanksgiving. We had a great time. Unfortunatley Mom couldn't join us. She had a stroke last Sunday and got home from the Hospital Wednesday. She was very tired from all that she went through, so I made her a platter and brought it to her and her husband. We did have a long time family friend over, then we went to Matt's parents for some more dessert. I made a homemade apple and pumpkin and Matt's Grandma made double peanutbutter chocalate cake. I think I gained at least 5 pounds. Oh well, it was very good. The only mishap was that I had left the carcass and dark meat in the roaster on the stove to clean and put away when we got home. Well, we came home to turkey stock and the carcass ALL OVER our kitchen. Mackenzie must have jumped up and knocked it down. Murry is too short. She was sick all day yesterday. At least Matt had carved most of the turkey and I had put it away before we left. I make turkey and vwegtable soup with rice today. I am also baking bannana and pumpkin bread. We put our tree up last night. We actually ventured out on Black Friday and bought a new pre-lit 7 1/2 foot tree. As much as I love the sales I'd rather not go thru that again. People are mad crazy on black Friday. Next year I am staying home. We had a real tree last year but Breanna and I are quite allergic, besides it made a big mess. I will post some pics of our tree later. Cassie's friend is over and she is hogging the camera. That's all for now.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

SOME Things That I Am Thankful For

  • My wonderful Husband and kids
  • GOD
  • My Mom and Church Family
  • To Homeschool our children
  • Sticking to my grocery budget (If you know me, this is a huge accomplishment)
  • that hair WILL grow back
  • My Computer
  • My Bible
  • Books
  • Church
  • Loveing to Cook
  • Friends who Care
  • My dogs
  • My home
  • My Health
  • Love notes from the kids
  • My Husbands Computer Business
  • No Computers on Sundays(anyone that knows my husband, knows that this is a HUGE accomplishment)
  • The Dinner Table
  • Lotion
  • Make-up

Monday, November 13, 2006

My Sassie Cassie


Today we aren't going by our normal schedule(GASP!) You can view our schedule on my website: Anyway, Matt is rearranging his office, he did some computer work for a reality office and got some nice solid oak desks in return. Sometimes trade of services are a good thing. :)
Ty and Bre get my old office desks, Matt is giving me his old office desk and Cassie get's my old Homeschool desk. Confused? You should see the confusion in my house right now. Like I said he is rearranging his office and let me tell you the mountain of Clutter he had in there. So where is the clutter now? Scattered all over the first floor. UGH. He says he will put every thing away tonight. I said that he better have it done by Thanksgiving because my mom is comming over, in the nicest wife voice I could muster. Anyway today we are organizing the homeschool and putting things where they belong. That is a life skill, right? To those of you that do not homeschool, do not worry, we are not depriving our children of thier education. We get more lessons done in one day than a public school does in a week. That is why the average homeschooler test 2 grades higher than thier public school peers. I am not condeming parents that send thier kids to public school, I know Homeschool is not for everyone. I just feel like sometimes I should brag about the hard work I put into my children. By the GRACE of God, of course. Without his guidence I could not do this. There are days that I ask myself and God, WHY? am I doing this? Then I will turn around and watch my older son(who was labeled learning disabled) Joyfully help his younger sister with a math problem. That is why I do this. They have matured into such wonderful loving children of God. They love learning and they love each other. They also show grace on others that other's pick on. I could list a thousand reasons why I should versus the few reasons that I shouldn't. The should'nts do not come very often, and when they do God is quick to show me the Shoulds. Ok this is a confusing blog. I guess my mind is as cluttered as my house right now. I am going to unclutter my house as much as I can now. See you soon. I just realized that I do not have a pic of Cassie on this blog site- there is a ton on my website: see above. But I think I will post one here, so she doesn't feel left out. Like she would! Ha! If you know her you know what I mean.


Homeschooling is a great adventure
A challenge and a blessing, too.
Learning comes not just from books.
There are many areas to pursue.
Seeing first hand what happens

By going on field trips galore.
Learning by on-hand experience
When freely allowed to explore.
If children can learn without hurry

And can go at their own pace,Nothing can quite compareWith the victorious look on each face.
Being taught self-discipline is the answer

In learning to write, to cipher, or to read.
Training them to have concern for others
And helping when there is a need.
Homeschooling is not for everyone

But, for the ones who were willing to try,
God has surely blessed our effortsAnd talents we were willing to apply.
© By: Belinda Jo Adams

Cassie and Ty's paper head dudes. Because of the lighting you can't really see ty's that well. I'll try to get a better one.

Cassie's Shading Picture

Tylor's Art

There that's better, you can untilt your head now :)

Breanna's array of work...You might need to tilt your head...

Here's Thier Artwork...

Cassie's Fall Dish

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Just Stopping In...

I do not have anythng to post of value, but wanted to stop in and say hello. I will be posting pictures as promised sometime this weekend...hopefully. Unti then, Much Love, Kristy

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

a b c's of Thanksgiving

A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame
E ven when the times are hard
F ierce winds are bound to blow
G od is forever able
H old on to what you know
I magine life without His love
J oy would cease to be
K eep thanking Him for all the things
L ove imparts to thee
M ove out of "Camp Complaining"
N o weapon that is known
O n earth can yield the power
P raise can do alone
Q uit looking at the future
R edeem the time at hand
S tart every day with worship
T o "thank" is a command
U ntil we see Him coming
V ictorious in the sky
W e'll run the race with gratitude
eX alting God most high
Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad,
but Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!!

Another Great Organizing website has loads of printables and great techniques for people who need help in organizing theier lives and homes.

Homemaking with a Happy Heart

I feel very blessed to be a stay at home mom. I was asked recently what excatcly do I do? This was asked by a working mother. First, I told her that I take my home management seriously. My husband works hard so that I can homeschool and give 100% to my family. He should not come home to chaos. I keep my day structured with room for flexibility. I have a binder that I call my Household Management Book. In this binder you will find :

  • Emergency Numbers, Frequently called Numbers, Homeschool Group Numbers,Kid's friends numbers and parent's names.
  • Daily Planner, Monthly Planner and Calendar
  • Menu Planner
  • Shopping List
  • Recipes
  • Chores-daily, weekly and monthly as well as seasonally
  • Excersice and Food log
  • Medical Information on all family members, including the dogs

I also have a binder for homeschool that I call Homeschool Management. In this you will find:

  • Daily Schedule
  • Lesson Plans/Assignments for each child
  • Goals
  • Reading Log for each Child
  • Borrowed Library Books log w/ a returned check-off
  • Attendance Record
  • Calendar of events/Classes attended ect...
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Grade Log for each child
  • Field Trips
  • Phone log for coaches, Co-ops and groups ect...

I like knowing that in a hurry I can find what I need in one place. This also makes my quartely reports easier. I made all these sheets using word. I also know that you can print sheets from

I am very content with my lifestyle, my husband is happy as well as our children. Yes we have bad days also. That is where the flexability comes in...If the children are miserable and aren't getting thier school work done I will pull out some educational games, or an educational movie or we have even gone to the park to do some of thier lessons. A change of pace or scenery can make a vast amount of difference. After a day or two we will go back to our original schedule. They do not frequently get bored though, they are involved in numerous outside activities such as Gym and Art, Music Lessons,Painting, Basketball and Dance just to name a few.

I do not feel the need to spend my days on the phone or visiting others gossiping and complaining about my life. When you ge in the habbit of that it becomes very destrucive and effects all family members. Does this mean that I am unsociable? Maybe in the opinion of others that are not content managing thier homes and spending time with thier family. I do like to socialize with my friends, just not every single day. I had a friend, before I moved that called me several times a day and liked to stop in allot. I used to think that I should open my doors to friends and be hospitle. However, after allot of praying and time in the word, I realized that I was doing my family an injustice. Did I not get married and have children, not to please others, but them and God? The below verse brings it all to light for me.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27 This verse has really been my inspiration . The phrase “She looketh well to the ways of her household,” tells me that the Proverbs 31 Woman was continually looking to meet her family’s needs. She was focused on her household.

I care and love my friends and non-immediate family very much and I will never shun them from my home or heart, but I do take my place in my home seriously and with JOY. So if you try calling and get the voice mail-I will call you back, once everything else is taken care of. You know I love you. Please do not take offence.

I noticed long ago that if I perform task with cheerfulness it is more pleasant-for everyone around. At first this was not easy and I kind of had to fake it. Now, I couldn't imagine doing things any other way. If you are struggling with your household chores, or your children try to tackle those things with a happy heart and watch how quickly things change for you.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Ty playing the Guitar for Nana

My Bag of GumBalls!

My caamera is still broken, so my Mom took this at her house on Halloween Night. Keep in mind that this was after 2 hours of Trick-or-Treating, and an Hour in the van.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Art Display

Today we are going to see the kids art display at the YMCA. They take Art and Gym there with other Homeschoolers. I cannot wait to see there masterpieces! If I can find the little lock that goes on the camera memory card I will be taking pictures. I'll be sure to post them. Breanna will soon be taking a cultural cooking class, she will be learning about other cultures as well as cooking. We are excited about this because we are currently working on a culture display. The children are learning about different cultures and countries. I have asked the each of them to pick a country to represent. They will make a display board with facts and photos, we will (try) to sew clothing that is popular in that culture, and we will have a day for each child to Display thier Country, wear thier handmade clothing, and we will prepare cuisine based on that Country. You know me, I love hands on learning. I was teaching a lesson from a text book on different cultures, when I looked up and saw the glazing over of the eyes look, that's why I came up with this. They will have three weeks to complete. I will be sure to have the camera working by then, so I can share the results.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Does anyone know how to...

Add links to the side bar? Help! I am new to this and I I have found some great bloggers links I want to add. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Just a FEW Printable Links as Promised

Mysteries of Motherhood

By Reb Bradley of Family Ministries

Mother's hearing
She does not hear the car alarm, the neighbor's music, or the noise of playing children,
But from the other end of the house, in the middle of the night, she will hear a child's slightest whimper

Mother's mind
She may not comprehend how to use the VCR or the computer,
But she understands a child's heart whenever it hurts.

Mother's strength
She may be too weak and exhausted to carry groceries in from the car,
But she is strong enough to intimidate any who threaten her children.

Mother's memory
She may not remember where she put her keys or the reason she walked into a room,
But she never forgets the wonderful things her children do and say.

Mother's clothes
Her clothes aren't so perfect – they're stained by baby's burps and last month's lasagna,
But each stain is a badge of love and service equal to any won by a soldier.

Mother's hands
All she sees are the lines and wrinkles in her hands, and longs for their youthful appearance,
But she forgets their wear speaks of love, devotion, and sacrifice.

Mother's shape
She sighs and moans when she cannot fit into the clothes of her youth,
But her shape and stretch marks are like battle scars which say, "Kids, you were worth it!"

Mother's eyes
The mirror tells her that her eyes lack sparkle,
But the bags and fatigue betray love that burns bright all night long.

Mother's career
She is haunted sometimes by what she could have been,
But she equips generations and shapes the world's future.

Mother's trust
She doesn't trust enough to let you near the strange dog or to climb to the tip top branch,
But she believes in you when you are discouraged and full of self doubt.

Mother's significance
She regrets her failures, mourns her anger, and dreads she is warping her children's psyches,
But she so tightly bonds her children to her heart that they will grow up, but not away.

B is for Breanna in a BIG Bubble!

Am I the only Printable Junkie?

Am I the only one that feels the need to print everything that I "might" use someday? My husband asked me why we go thru a new ink cartridge every week. I insited that I needed everything that I print. He said "really, then why is there a mountain of papers you printed still sitting here from last year?" Good point hubs! I guess I have an addiction to printable homeschool stuff. there a support group for this? haha. No really, I am interested to know if anyone else has this problem? Well, gotta go print...hahahahaha

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Puppet Masters

Climbing the wall

This was Fun

Today for science we made a rain gauge using a 2 liter soda bottle, duct tape, masking tape, ruler, and a wired coat hanger. This project took about 30 minutes. We also created a rainfall collection data sheet. We then discussed rainfall and why it's important. What would happen if we didn't get rain ect...

After some initial arguing over who was going to do what, it came out pretty good. I will try to get pics, our camera broke...looking for a new one.

So What does G.L.O.W. stand for?

I was trying to come up with a name when it hit me-God Leads Our Way, then later my daughter Cassie said "why not, God Loves Our Work?" I said "Brilliant, I love them both!"If you check out my website you will see that I use both. I am going to use this blog for our everyday happenings.